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FCC Licensing
Midstate Mobile Radio works closely with a licensed frequency coordinator so we can take care of ALL your FCC licensing requirements. We can assist you with new applications, renewals, relocations and modifications.
We will be glad to help you with all FCC Licensing requirements. We’ve been managing licenses like yours for many years. We can take care of all your FCC Licensing, even if you didn’t purchase your radios through us.
If you get a notice from the FCC or a licensing company, simply forward the notice to us and we’ll let you know if any action is required. Often, FCC notices are just reminding you of an upcoming deadline. Be sure to forward to us any notice from the FCC regarding your FCC license. You will receive other notices regarding your FCC license, usually from licensing companies. They are trying to solicit your FCC licensing business. Send us those notices too, and we will let you know if a response is necessary.
License Expirations
FCC licenses are typically good for 10 years. Each license has an expiration date on it. If you have an expiration coming up within the next few months, let us know and we will take care of the paperwork. Did you get a letter notifying you of an upcoming FCC expiration on one of your licenses? If so, contact us or send us a quick email. Several licensing companies send notifications like this several months before an application could be processed by the FCC.
License “Construction” Deadlines
When you get a new FCC license, you have one year to inform the FCC that it is live and “on the air.” If you don’t submit the required form, the FCC will cancel your license. Again, send us any notices you receive, and we will submit the form for you.
Contact Us
Please contact the experienced team at Midstate Mobile Radio for more information on our products and services.
You can also call us locally at (609)